"I wish I had something like this..." It's not necessarily something that everyone wants. "I don't know if it's okay to ask for this..." It is not always an easy thing to ask for. Nevertheless, we hope to provide technology solutions to the small voices of the few.
"こんなモノがあったらいいのにな…" それは必ずしも誰もが欲しいと思うモノとはかぎりません。 "こんなモノを頼んでいいのかな…" それは必ずしも頼みやすいモノとはかぎりません。 我々は少数のちいさな声にも確かなテクノロジーソリューション提供いたします。。
Remote sensing is a general term for technologies that can be used to remotely measure objects without touching them. Conventionally, "remote sensing" has been centered on "satellite remote sensing" such as systems that search for large measurement objects on the earth from satellite images. However, with the spread of the Internet, "IoT (Internet of Things) technology" that enables low-cost, real-time communication between all regions, remote measurement and observation using the Internet is also `` Remote Sensing '' It is beginning to be described as technology.
リモートセンシング (英: remote sensing) は遠隔地にある計測対象を触れずに調べる技術の総称です。従来「リモートセンシング」と言うと、衛星画像から地球上の大きい計測対象を探すシステムなど「衛星リモートセンシング」が中心でした。しかしインターネットの普及に伴い、安価且つリアルタイムであらゆる地域どうしの通信を可能とする「IoT(Internet of Things)技術」により、インターネットを用いた遠隔地の計測・観測も「リモートセンシング(Remote Sensing)」技術と表現されるようになりつつあります。
It is expected to utilize the information obtained from various sensors (optical sensor, temperature / humidity sensor, water level sensor, acceleration sensor, radiation sensor, etc.) in various fields. And various networks (PAN, WiFi, LPWA, LTE / 5G, etc.) that deliver that information are born one after another. We are contributing to an ever-evolving society by providing repeaters and gateways that bridge the information.
The four seasons ... rainy then sunny ... if things change ... the situation changes from moment to moment. That is why the environment required for the sensing platform is diverse. We are working hard to deliver the information we need in a stable manner to those who need it.